I’M TIRED OF REPEATING MYSELF! Targeted Review Worksheets to Reteach Concepts

I’M TIRED OF REPEATING MYSELF! Targeted Review Worksheets to Reteach Concepts

Ever have one of those days of teaching when you just don’t feel heard?

For me, it tends to be my 8th and 9th period classes.  

I’m tired. They’re tired.  Things get missed. Fatigue is rampant.

I’m spending more time on classroom management…  you know the drill.

Fast forward to the next day and my early morning classes have retained way more than my end of day classes.  

It’s certainly not a new problem in teaching!

Practice problems are great, but if my students are struggling with retention they will only get so far.  

These reteaching sheets I’ve designed help bridge the gap between retention and practice. They empower students to relearn a topic to reinforce previous learning.

Each worksheet covers a different topic and includes a reteach review portion on top followed by 6-7 targeted practice problems.  

These reteaching sheets I’ve designed help bridge the gap between retention and practice. They empower students to relearn a topic to reinforce previous learning.

Each worksheet covers a different topic and includes a reteach review portion on top followed by 6-7 targeted practice problems.  

These worksheets make great homework assignments, sub plans, remediation and enrichment because they are specifically designed for your students to complete by themselves.

Want to try them out?  I have a free trial version that covers one topic from grade 5, 6, 7 and 8.  You can download it here.  It includes a page on Place Value, Area of Parallelograms, Simple Interest and Exponents.

Want to use these in your classroom?

These are available for as full year sets for each grade.  Each set contains 60+ worksheets and cover all standards for each grade.  

5th Grade
6th Grade
7th Grade
8th Grade


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