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7th Grade Math FUN Worksheets

7th Grade Math FUN Worksheets

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7th Grade Math FUN Worksheets by Topic

This set of 60 printable worksheets is a perfect way to give your students additional practice on all 7th grade math topics and keep them engaged. Each page focuses on one topic and gives students practice in a fun and engaging way. This aligns with the To the Square Inch 7th Grade Math Curriculum and follows the Common Core Standards. It is easy to mix and match sets to meet your individual standards. Types of activities include: Color and solve, mystery grids, math jokes, secret messages, double dice and spinner games, partner activities and more. Many are self-checking!

Topics covered in this product:
  1. Adding Integers with the Same Sign*
  2. Adding Integers with Different Signs*
  3. Subtracting Integers*
  4. Multiplying and Dividing Integers*
  5. Operations with Integers
  6. Terminating and Repeating Decimals*
  7. Adding Rational Numbers*
  8. Subtracting Rational Numbers*
  9. Multiplying and Dividing Rational Numbers*
  10. Ratios & Rates*
  11. Proportions*
  12. Graphing Proportional Relationships*
  13. Writing and Solving Proportions *
  14. Slope*
  15. Direct Variation*
  16. Percents, Decimals, and Fractions*
  17. Percent Proportion*
  18. Percent of Increase and Decrease*
  19. Discounts and Mark-Ups*
  20. Simple Interest*
  21. Tax, Tip and Commissions*
  22. The Percent Equation*
  23. Adjacent and Vertical Angles*
  24. Complementary and Supplementary Angles*
  25. Types of Triangles*
  26. Constructing Triangles
  27. Angle Measures of Triangles*
  28. Types of Quadrilaterals*
  29. Similar Shapes*
  30. Scale Drawings*
  31. Circle Vocabulary*
  32. Circumference*
  33. Area of Circles*
  34. Area of Composite Figures Involving Circles*
  35. Surface Area of Prisms*
  36. Surface Area of Pyramids*
  37. Surface Area of Cylinders*
  38. Volume of Prisms*
  39. Volume of Pyramids*
  40. Volume of Cylinders*
  41. Algebraic Expressions*
  42. Adding and Subtracting Linear Expressions*
  43. Solving Equations Using Addition and Subtraction*
  44. Solving Equations Using Multiplication and Division*
  45. Solving Multi-Step Equations*
  46. Writing and Graphing Inequalities
  47. Solving Inequalities Using Addition and Subtraction*
  48. Solving Inequalities Using Multiplication and Division*
  49. Writing and Solving 2-Step Inequalities *
  50. Populations and Samples*
  51. Estimating Populations*
  52. Measures of Central Tendency*
  53. Measures of Variation *
  54. Outcomes and Events*
  55. Intro to Probability*
  56. Experimental Probability*
  57. Theoretical Probability*
  58. Fundamental Counting Principle *
  59. Compound Events*
  60. Independent and Dependent Events*
Answer keys are included for each worksheet.

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Permission to copy for single classroom use only. 


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